Why I sometimes dread this time of year
The ground outside is absolutely covered in leaves. We live in a house surrounded by trees, and while it sounds charming, one of the drawbacks of this time of year is that it is impossible to keep up with the daily drop of leaves….
As much as I don’t want it to be, grief and pain is always stirred up for me this time of year.
Color as a Narrative: Telling Stories Through Abstract Art
Color can be a narrative, and help us to tell stories about our life. This is definitely a tool I use with my art. I almost always start with a color palette. How do different colors make you feel? Let's discuss.
Artist Interview
Every once in a while you get the chance for a fun conversation that reminds you why you do what you do as an artist. Discover the reasons I became a painter and how I have maintained my passion as an artist.
A new Freedom
I looked into the mirror tonight wanting to see what I used to see. Freedom. Beauty. A person who knows who she is, without all the doubts. Perhaps someone younger, and with less burdens…
A Return to open creativity
“Rediscover that sense of awe, even process the loss of it in your work. This is part of your gift as an artist.”
I officially love painting large
I recently completed a commission for an 8.5 ft by 7 ft canvas, the largest painting I have created up to date. The canvas was for a Mission House family night worship and recording event.
Growing slow
It has been a summer of lots of slow growth and trying my best to learn how to savor these moments, before they pass me by and I am full of regret that I did not learn how to enjoy them. To all of you who are in the trenches too, I see you, I hear you, I am just like you! Let’s help each other, okay?
Chopping vegetables is art
I am learning that being present in these small moments is more rewarding when I recognize that what I am doing is an act of live. When I recognize that, and let my heart be engaged in the moment, even doing such a seemingly insignificant task like chopping vegetables, I am more aware that I am loving the people in my life well. I can be fully present and fully enjoy that I am taking care of them. I can live my life as if it were a work of art.
Move at least a centimeter today
I felt this statement deeply. He said, " If I moved even one centimeter by working each day, I could keep moving forward." Remove the pressure. Just move at least one centimeter today.
Not everything is meaningful, but everything can be full of meaning
“Artists, not every single piece of art, or song that you sing will have a ‘deep’ or thought-provoking meaning. Some of us need to hear this because we start creating or writing from an opinion that everything must be deeply profound. If everything we say is deeply profound, then perhaps we are not actually being self-aware.
Your Art has always been with you
When I lose my way as an artist, or I simply need a reminder of why I do what I do, I often turn back to this book, “Walking on Water”, by Madeleine L’Engle. It is a source of great connection for me on what it means to be an artist and a Christ follower. For me, the two are very much related, and always in service of each other. Because I am wired this way I am in a constant state of reflection, and observing the world around me as if there is a pregnant question in the atmosphere that I must answer, or a statement that I must proclaim.
Art prompt: Paint a painting to process your emotions
Here is an art prompt you can try! Schedule some time into your calendar to help you process emotions and play with some color on a canvas. Create without fear, let this exercise guide you.
Journaling prompts to help you process
As much as we can feel out of control about life, journaling is a practice that can ground us in the present moment, remind us who we are, and remind us who our Creator is.
Art = Processing your life
“My drop cloths became faithful garments that cleansed me from the ache of loss.” There is no doubt that the role of an artist is one of an observer, or an interpreter. An artist can help make sense of the world.
Artist = Courage
To me, being an artist means having the courage to say what you see, and then letting the world experience it.
Henri Matisse famously said, “Creativity takes courage, “ and I wholeheartedly agree.