Art prompt: Paint a painting to process your emotions

Here is an art prompt you can try! If you don’t have time this weekend, save it for a rainy day, or even better, schedule some art play time into your calendar.

Supplies: canvas, acrylic paint, paint brushes

Choose a color palette that speaks to you. If you need inspiration, try looking out your window. What colors do you see? Is there a color that is speaking loudly to you? Choose that one, then look for at least two more colors.

Gather 2-3 different sized paint brushes. Experiment with the way you are letting the paint flow onto the canvas. Make big bold strokes, then pick a section for smaller, more thoughtful lines. Use your intuition to guide you across the canvas.

Step back and observe your work. Where do you see balance? Where is your work unbalanced? Go back and fill in or cover over the places you don’t feel drawn to.

Create layers as you work. You may even decide you want to come to a stopping point and let the paint dry, then add more!

Feel free as you paint. Listen to music or a podcast and let your heart guide you as you work. Look and listen for any themes that may be emerging. Create until you achieve a sense of balance.


Your Art has always been with you


Journaling prompts to help you process